Set it thrice. Aim it twice. Fire it once.

Bengenge: The Sound of the Villagers Band

How’dy folk!

Trust all is well with you.

‘Tis the season to be jolly so hope you are gearing down towards that. Personally I am jolly pleased how that the year is ending. I’m a sucker for new beginings bringing along new tidings.

Among the reasons that I’ve been jolly this week is for having the opportunity to shoot The Villagers Band as they entertained fans and friends at the MJ Centre to #Bengenge. What is Bengenge? The distinct fusion of Benga and urban Kenyan sounds (Initially I thought Chris Adwar said it is the fusion of Benga and Genge, but that was my mind wandering hopelessly).

The stage was awash with instruments and colour as the 11 piece band took to stage. Minus the disappointing technical sound glitches, the performance was stellar. The trumpets synchronization, the thunderous drums and the guitar licks in tandem all served to electrify the atmosphere, as sections of the crowd broke out to shake a leg. Befittingly, the encore was their hit titled “They Dance”, which aptly closed the show and wound down on their calendar year for live performances, leaving no doubt that future performances will only be better,  as Kenyans brace for the beautiful sounds of Bengenge.


~El Fin~


2 responses

  1. Amungathegreat

    Pic 2 and the 3rd last one…walala!

    December 19, 2011 at 10:03

  2. Viv

    Really cool pictures…Loved pic 6,7 and the last two

    December 19, 2011 at 16:02

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